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It is sometimes handy to deny a window’s request to be focused. The following variables determine such behavior.
A map request occurs when a new or withdrawn window requests to be mapped for the first time.
A raise request occurs when a client asks the window manager to give an existing window focus.
A list of window properties that stumpwm should deny matching windows’ requests to become mapped for the first time.
Exactly the same as *deny-map-request* but for raise requests.
Note that no denial message is displayed if the window is already visible.
For complete focus on the task at hand, set this to T
and no
raise/map denial messages will be seen.
Some examples follow.
;; Deny the firefox window from taking focus when clicked upon. (push '(:class "gecko") stumpwm:*deny-raise-request*) ;; Deny all map requests (setf stumpwm:*deny-map-request* t) ;; Deny transient raise requests (push '(:transient) stumpwm:*deny-map-request*) ;; Deny the all windows in the xterm class from taking focus. (push '(:class "Xterm") stumpwm:*deny-raise-request*) |
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This document was generated on February 2, 2024 using texi2html 1.82.