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5. Windows

Command: next

Go to the next window in the window list.

Command: prev

Go to the previous window in the window list.

Command: delete-window &optional window

Default Values:

  window  (stumpwm:current-window)

Delete a window. By default delete the current window. This is a request sent to the window. The window’s client may decide not to grant the request or may not be able to if it is unresponsive.

Command: kill-window &optional window

Default Values:

  window  (stumpwm:current-window)

Tell X to disconnect the client that owns the specified window. Default to the current window. if delete-window didn’t work, try this.

Command: kill-windows-current-group

Kill all windows in the current group.

Command: kill-windows-other

Kill all windows in current group except the current-window

Command: echo-windows &optional fmt group windows

Default Values:

  fmt      stumpwm:*window-format*
  group    (stumpwm:current-group)
  windows  (stumpwm:group-windows stumpwm:group)

Display a list of managed windows. The optional argument fmt can be used to override the default window formatting.

Command: other-window &optional group

Default Values:

  group  (stumpwm:current-group)

Switch to the window last focused.

Command: pull-hidden-next

Pull the next hidden window into the current frame.

Command: pull-hidden-previous

Pull the next hidden window into the current frame.

Command: pull-hidden-other

Pull the last focused, hidden window into the current frame.

Command: pull-from-windowlist &optional fmt

Default Values:

  fmt  stumpwm:*window-format*

Pulls a window selected from the list of windows. This allows a behavior similar to Emacs’ switch-to-buffer when selecting another window.

Command: renumber nt &optional group

Default Values:

  group  (stumpwm:current-group)

Change the current window’s number to the specified number. If another window is using the number, then the windows swap numbers. Defaults to current group.

Command: meta key

Send a fake key to the current window. key is a typical StumpWM key, like C-M-o.

Command: select-window query

Switch to the first window that starts with query.

Command: select-window-by-number num &optional group

Default Values:

  group  (stumpwm:current-group)

Find the window with the given number and focus it in its frame.

Command: select-window-by-name name

Switch to the first window whose name is exactly name.

Command: repack-window-numbers &optional preserved

Default Values:

  preserved  nil

Ensure that used window numbers do not have gaps; ignore PRESERVED window numbers.

Command: title title

Override the current window’s title.

Command: windowlist &optional fmt window-list

Default Values:

  fmt          stumpwm:*window-format*
  window-list  nil

Allow the user to select a window from the list of windows and focus the selected window. For information of menu bindings see Menus. The optional argument fmt can be specified to override the default window formatting. The optional argument window-list can be provided to show a custom window list (see windowlist-by-class). The default window list is the list of all window in the current group. Also note that the default window list is sorted by number and if the windows-list is provided, it is shown unsorted (as-is).

Command: windowlist-by-class &optional fmt

Default Values:

  fmt  stumpwm::*window-format-by-class*

Allow the user to select a window from the list of windows (sorted by class) and focus the selected window. For information of menu bindings see Menus. The optional argument fmt can be specified to override the default window formatting. This is a simple wrapper around the command windowlist.

Command: fullscreen

Toggle the fullscreen mode of the current widnow. Use this for clients with broken (non-NETWM) fullscreen implementations, such as any program using SDL.

Command: info &optional fmt

Default Values:

  fmt  stumpwm::*window-info-format*

Display information about the current window.

Command: refresh

Refresh current window without changing its size.

Command: redisplay

Refresh current window by a pair of resizes, also make it occupy entire frame.

Command: float-this

Transforms a tile-window into a float-window

Command: unfloat-this

Transforms a float-window into a tile-window

Command: flatten-floats

Transform all floating windows in this group to tiled windows. Puts all tiled windows in the first frame of the group.

Command: unmaximize &optional window

Default Values:

  window  (stumpwm:current-window)

Use the size the program requested for current window (if any) instead of maximizing it.

Command: toggle-always-on-top

Toggle whether the current window always appears over other windows. The order windows are added to this list determines priority.

Command: toggle-always-show

Toggle whether the current window is shown in all groups.

Command: window-send-string string &optional window

Default Values:

  window  (stumpwm:current-window)

Send the string of characters to the current window as if they’d been typed.

Function: window-head window

Report what window the head is currently on.

Function: window-sync window what-changed

Some window slot has been updated and the window may need to sync itself. WHAT-CHANGED is a hint at what changed.

Function: window-visible-p window

Return T if the window is visible

Function: raise-window window

Bring the window to the top of the window stack.

Function: focus-window window &optional raise

Default Values:

  raise  nil

Give the specified window keyboard focus and (optionally) raise.

Variable: *xwin-to-window*

Hash table for looking up windows quickly.

Variable: *window-format*

This variable decides how the window list is formatted. It is a string with the following formatting options:


Substitutes the window’s number translated via *window-number-map*, if there are more windows than *window-number-map* then will use the window-number.


Substitute the window’s status. * means current window, + means last window, and - means any other window.


Substitute the window’s name.


Substitute the window’s class.


Substitute the window’s resource ID.


Draw a # if the window is marked.

Note, a prefix number can be used to crop the argument to a specified size. For instance, ‘%20t’ crops the window’s title to 20 characters.

Variable: *window-info-format*

The format used in the info command. See *window-format* for formatting details.

Variable: *window-name-source*

This variable controls what is used for the window’s name. The default is :title.


Use the window’s title given to it by its owner.


Use the window’s resource class.


Use the window’s resource name.

Variable: *new-window-preferred-frame*

This variable controls what frame a new window appears in. It is a list of preferences. The first preference that is satisfied is used. Valid list elements are as follows:


Choose the focused frame.


Choose the last focused frame.


Choose any empty frame.


Choose any unfocused frame.

Alternatively, it can be set to a function that takes one argument, the new window, and returns the preferred frame or a list of the above preferences.

Variable: *hidden-window-color*

Color command for hidden windows when using the fmt-head-window-list-hidden-windows formatter. To disable coloring hidden windows, set this to an empty string.

Variable: *honor-window-moves*

Allow windows to move between frames.

Macro: define-fullscreen-in-frame-rule name(window-argument) &body body

Define a rule for a window to be fullscreened within the frame. Each rule is a function which will be called when a window is made fullscreen. If the rule returns NIL then the fullscreen window takes up the entire head, otherwise it takes up only its frame. Within the body of the rule WINDOW-ARGUMENT is bound to the window being processed.

Function: add-fullscreen-in-frame-rule name function &key shadow

Default Values:

  shadow  nil

Add a function to the fullscreen-in-frame window rules alist. If NAME already exists as a key in the alist and SHADOW is nil, then FUNCTION replaces the existing value. Otherwise NAME and FUNCTION are pushed onto the alist.

Function: remove-fullscreen-in-frame-rule name &key count

Default Values:

  count  nil

Remove rules named NAME from the fullscreen-in-frame window rules alist. If COUNT is NIL then all matching rules are removed, otherwise only the first COUNT rules are removed.

Variable: *fullscreen-in-frame-p-window-functions*

A alist of predicate functions for determining if a window should be fullscreen in frame.

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