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5.2 Customizing Window Appearance

Variable: *maxsize-border-width*

The width in pixels given to the borders of windows with maxsize or ratio hints.

Variable: *transient-border-width*

The width in pixels given to the borders of transient or pop-up windows.

Variable: *normal-border-width*

The width in pixels given to the borders of regular windows.

Variable: *window-border-style*

This controls the appearance of the border around windows. valid values are:


All space within the frame not used by the window is dedicated to the border.


Only the border width as controlled by *maxsize-border-width* *normal-border-width* and *transient-border-width* is used as the border. The rest is filled with the unfocus color.


The same as :thin but the border surrounds the window and the wasted space within the frame is not obscured, revealing the background.


Like :tight but no border is ever visible.

After changing this variable you may need to call sync-all-frame-windows to see the change.

See Colors for an explanation of how to set these color variables.

Function: set-win-bg-color color

Set the background color of the window. The background color will only be visible for windows with size increment hints such as ‘emacs’ and ‘xterm’.

Function: set-focus-color color

Set the border color for focused windows. This is only used when there is more than one frame.

Function: set-unfocus-color color

Set the border color for windows without focus. This is only used when there is more than one frame.

Function: set-float-focus-color color

Set the border color for focused windows in a float group.

Function: set-float-unfocus-color color

Set the border color for windows without focus in a float group.

Function: set-normal-gravity gravity

Set the default gravity for normal windows. Possible values are :center :top :left :right :bottom :top-left :top-right :bottom-left and :bottom-right.

Function: set-maxsize-gravity gravity

Set the default gravity for maxsize windows.

Function: set-transient-gravity gravity

Set the default gravity for transient/pop-up windows.

Command: gravity gravity

Set a window’s gravity within its frame. Gravity controls where the window will appear in a frame if it is smaller that the frame. Possible values are:

Function: gravity-coords gravity width height minx miny maxx maxy

Get the X and Y coordinates to place something of width WIDTH and height HEIGHT within an area defined by MINX MINY MAXX and MAXY, guided by GRAVITY.

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