| Index Entry | Section |
* | | |
| *all-modifiers* | 2.3 Modifiers |
| *altgr-offset* | 2.4 AltGr Keys |
| *banish-pointer-to* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *batch-menu-map* | 14.2.2 Batch Menus |
| *click-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *colors* | 15.1 Behind The Scenes Look At Colors |
| *command-mode-end-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *command-mode-start-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *current-io-channel* | 11.1 IO Loop |
| *current-io-loop* | 11.1 IO Loop |
| *data-dir* | 14.3 StumpWM’s Data Directory |
| *debug-expose-events* | 14.4 Debugging StumpWM |
| *debug-level* | 14.4 Debugging StumpWM |
| *debug-stream* | 14.4 Debugging StumpWM |
| *default-bg-color* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *default-group-name* | 8. Groups |
| *default-io-loop* | 11.1 IO Loop |
| *default-package* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *default-selections* | 13. Interacting With X11 |
| *default-window-name* | 5.4 Programming With Windows |
| *deny-map-request* | 5.3 Controlling Raise And Map Requests |
| *deny-raise-request* | 5.3 Controlling Raise And Map Requests |
| *destroy-mode-line-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *destroy-window-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *display* | 14. Miscellaneous Commands |
| *draw-in-color* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *editor-bindings* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *event-processing-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *exchange-window-map* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *executing-stumpwm-command* | 11.2 Internal Functions Documentation |
| *expose-auto-tile-fn* | 6. Frames |
| *expose-n-max* | 6. Frames |
| *float-window-modifier* | 1.3.3 Floating Group Basics |
| *focus-frame-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *focus-group-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *focus-window-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *frame-indicator-text* | 6. Frames |
| *frame-indicator-timer* | 6. Frames |
| *frame-number-map* | 6. Frames |
| *fullscreen-in-frame-p-window-functions* | 5. Windows |
| *group-format* | 8.1 Customizing Groups |
| *group-formatters* | 8.1 Customizing Groups |
| *group-top-maps* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *group-top-maps* | 8. Groups |
| *groups-map* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *help-keys* | 14.7 Getting Help |
| *help-map* | 14.7 Getting Help |
| *help-max-height* | 4. Message and Input Bar |
| *hidden-window-color* | 5. Windows |
| *honor-window-moves* | 5. Windows |
| *hooks-enabled-p* | 16. Hooks |
| *ignore-wm-inc-hints* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *initializing* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *input-completion-style* | 4.3 Programming The Message Bar |
| *input-history-ignore-duplicates* | 4.3 Programming The Message Bar |
| *input-map* | 4.4 Programming the Input Bar |
| *input-window-gravity* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *internal-loop-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *key-press-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *key-seq-color* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *last-command* | 3.1 Writing Commands |
| *list-hidden-groups* | 8. Groups |
| *list-hidden-groups* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *load-path* | 17. Modules |
| *max-last-message-size* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *maxsize-border-width* | 5.2 Customizing Window Appearance |
| *menu-map* | 14.2 Menus |
| *menu-selection-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *message-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *message-max-width* | 4. Message and Input Bar |
| *message-window-gravity* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *message-window-input-gravity* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *message-window-padding* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *message-window-timer* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *message-window-y-padding* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *min-frame-height* | 6. Frames |
| *min-frame-width* | 6. Frames |
| *minor-mode* | 10.1 Programming With Minor Modes |
| *minor-mode-disable-hook* | 10.1 Programming With Minor Modes |
| *minor-mode-enable-hook* | 10.1 Programming With Minor Modes |
| *mode-line-background-color* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-border-color* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-border-width* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-click-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *mode-line-foreground-color* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-highlight-template* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-pad-x* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-pad-y* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-position* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *mode-line-timeout* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *modifiers* | 2.3 Modifiers |
| *module-dir* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *mouse-focus-policy* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *new-frame-action* | 6. Frames |
| *new-frame-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *new-head-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *new-mode-line-hook* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *new-window-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *new-window-preferred-frame* | 5. Windows |
| *normal-border-width* | 5.2 Customizing Window Appearance |
| *numpad-map* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *place-window-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *post-command-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *pre-command-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *processing-existing-windows* | 1.6 Init File |
| *queue-messages-p* | 4.3 Programming The Message Bar |
| *quit-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *record-last-msg-override* | 14. Miscellaneous Commands |
| *remapped-keys-enabled-p* | 2.5.1 Circumventing Remapped Keys |
| *remove-split-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *resize-hides-windows* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *resize-increment* | 6.1 Interactively Resizing Frames |
| *resize-map* | 6.1 Interactively Resizing Frames |
| *restart-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *root-click-focuses-frame* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *root-click-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *root-map* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *rotation-focus-policy* | 1.3.4 Dynamic Group Basics |
| *rotation-focus-policy* | 1.3.5 Dynamic Group Index |
| *run-or-raise-all-groups* | 8. Groups |
| *run-or-raise-all-screens* | 9. Screens |
| *screen-list* | 9.2 Programming With Screens |
| *screen-mode-line-format* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *screen-mode-line-formatters* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *selection-notify-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *shell-program* | 12. Interacting With Unix |
| *single-menu-map* | 14.2.1 Single Selection Menus |
| *split-frame-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *start-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *startup-message* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *suppress-abort-messages* | 11.2 Internal Functions Documentation |
| *suppress-deny-messages* | 5.3 Controlling Raise And Map Requests |
| *suppress-echo-timeout* | 4. Message and Input Bar |
| *suppress-frame-indicator* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *suppress-window-placement-indicator* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *text-color* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *time-format-string-default* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *time-modeline-string* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *timeout-frame-indicator-wait* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *timeout-wait* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *timeout-wait-multiline* | 4.1 Customizing The Bar |
| *top-level-error-action* | 19. Advanced Configuration |
| *top-level-error-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *top-map* | 2.2 Binding Keys |
| *toplevel-io* | 14. Miscellaneous Commands |
| *transient-border-width* | 5.2 Customizing Window Appearance |
| *unscoped-minor-modes* | 10.1 Programming With Minor Modes |
| *urgent-window-hook* | 16. Hooks |
| *which-key-format* | 4. Message and Input Bar |
| *window-border-style* | 5.2 Customizing Window Appearance |
| *window-events* | 5.4 Programming With Windows |
| *window-format* | 5. Windows |
| *window-formatters* | 7. The Mode Line |
| *window-info-format* | 5. Windows |
| *window-name-source* | 5. Windows |
| *window-parent-events* | 5.4 Programming With Windows |
| *window-placement-rules* | 5.5 Rule Based Window Placement |
| *x-selection* | 13. Interacting With X11 |
| *xwin-to-window* | 5. Windows |