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1.3.5 Dynamic Group Index

Index of exported variables, commands, and functions defined in the dynamic group file.

Variable: *rotation-focus-policy*

A keyword determining what frame to focus after rotating the windows in a dynamic group. Valid values are: :PRESERVE, meaning to stay on the same frame :FOLLOW, meaning to follow the current window as it rotates :MASTER, meaning to always stay to the master :MASTER-OR-FOLLOW, meaning to stay on the master, or if initiating the rotation while focused on a stack window to follow that window.

Function: set-dynamic-group-initial-values &key head-placement-policy overflow-policy master-layout default-split-ratio

Default Values:

  head-placement-policy  nil
  overflow-policy        nil
  master-layout          nil
  default-split-ratio    nil

Set the default initial values for the class allocated slots of dynamic groups. These values are used only upon the first instantiation of a dynamic group.

Function: dynamic-group-p thing


Function: dynamic-group-master-layout object


@ dynamic-group-head-layout

Function: dynamic-group-default-split-ratio object


@ dynamic-group-head-split-ratio

Function: dynamic-group-overflow-policy object


Function: dynamic-group-head-placement-policy object


Function: dyn-blacklist-command cmd &aux

Add CMD to the command blacklist for dynamic groups

Function: dyn-unblacklist-command cmd &aux

Remove CMD to the command blacklist for dynamic groups

Command: gnew-dynamic name

Create a new dynamic group named NAME.

Command: gnewbg-dynamic name

Create a new dynamic group named NAME in the background.

Command: rotate-windows direction

Rotate all windows in the current group and head forward (clockwise) or backward (counterclockwise)

Command: rotate-stack direction

Rotate the stack windows in current group and head forward (clockwise) or backward (counterclockwise)

Command: swap-windows

Exchange two windows

Command: change-layout layout

Change the layout of the current head and group.

Command: change-default-layout layout &optional update-heads

Default Values:

  update-heads  :unset

Change the default layout for dynamic groups.

Command: change-split-ratio ratio

Change the size of the master window of the current head and group.

Command: change-default-split-ratio ratio &optional update-heads

Default Values:

  update-heads  :unset

Change the default size of the master window for dynamic groups.

Command: retile &optional retile-floats

Default Values:

  retile-floats  t

Force a retile of all windows.

Command: select-floating-window &optional fmt window-list

Default Values:

  fmt          stumpwm:*window-format*
  window-list  nil

Select a floating window from a menu.

!!! exchange-window-with-master

Command: hnext

Move focus to the next head in a dynamic group

Command: hprev

Move focus to the previous head in a dynamic group

Command: fnext-in-head

Focus the next frame in the current head

Command: fprev-in-head

Focus the previous frame in the current head

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