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Color indexes are stored in *colors* as a list. The default list of colors leave 2 slots for the user to choose. If you’d like to use ‘Papaya Whip’ and ‘Dark Golden Rod 3’ you might eval the following:
(setf *colors* (append *colors* (list "PapayaWhip" "DarkGoldenRod3"))) (update-color-map (current-screen)) |
Of course, you can change all the colors if you like.
Additionally, both the normal and bright versions of a color can be
specified by using a list of the form (normal-color bright-color)
for instance:
(setf *colors* (append *colors* (list (list "PeachPuff" "PapayaWhip") (list "DarkGoldenRod3" "PaleGoldenrod")))) (update-color-map (current-screen)) |
Parse a color-coded string into a list of strings and color modifiers
Remove any color markup in STRING
Eight colors by default. You can redefine these to whatever you like and then call (update-color-map).
Read *colors* and cache their pixel colors for use when rendering colored text.
This document was generated on February 2, 2024 using texi2html 1.82.