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14. Miscellaneous Commands

The following is a list of commands that don’t really fit in any other

Function: split-string string &optional separators

Default Values:

  separators  "

Splits STRING into substrings where there are matches for SEPARATORS. Each match for SEPARATORS is a splitting point. The substrings between the splitting points are made into a list which is returned. ***If SEPARATORS is absent, it defaults to "[ ftnrv]+".

If there is match for SEPARATORS at the beginning of STRING, we do not include a null substring for that. Likewise, if there is a match at the end of STRING, we don’t include a null substring for that.

Modifies the match data; use ‘save-match-data’ if necessary.

Function: argument-line-end-p input

Return T if we’re outta arguments from the input line.

Function: argument-pop input

Pop the next argument off.

Function: argument-pop-rest input

Return the remainder of the argument text.

Variable: *display*

The display for the X server

Function: input-delete-region input start end

Delete the region between start and end in the input string

Function: input-goto-char input point

Move the cursor to the specified point in the string

Function: input-point input

Return the position of the cursor.

Function: input-substring input start end

Return a the substring in INPUT bounded by START and END.

Function: input-validate-region input start end

Return a value pair of numbers where the first number is < the second and neither excedes the bounds of the input string.

Function: list-directory dirname

Returns a fresh list of pathnames corresponding to the truenames of all files within the directory named by the non-wild pathname designator DIRNAME. The pathnames of sub-directories are returned in directory form - see PATHNAME-AS-DIRECTORY.

Macro: move-to-head list elt

Move the specified element in in LIST to the head of the list.

Function: no-focus group last-win

don’t focus any window but still read keyboard events.

Variable: *record-last-msg-override*

assign this to T and messages won’t be recorded. It is recommended this is assigned using LET.

Variable: *toplevel-io*

Top-level I/O loop

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