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3.4 Common Built-in Commands

Command: emacs

Start emacs unless it is already running, in which case focus it.

Command: version

Print version information and compilation date.

Command: banish &optional where

Default Values:

  where  nil

Warp the mouse the lower right corner of the current head.

Command: ratwarp x y

Warp the mouse to the specified location.

Command: ratrelwarp dx dy

Warp the mouse by the specified amount from its current position.

Command: ratclick &optional button

Default Values:

  button  1

Simulate a pointer button event at the current pointer location. Note: this function is unlikely to work unless your X server and CLX implementation support XTEST.

Command: restart-hard

Restart stumpwm. This is handy if a new stumpwm executable has been made and you wish to replace the existing process with it.

Any run-time customizations will be lost after the restart.

Command: restart-soft

Soft restart StumpWM. The lisp process isn’t restarted. Instead, control jumps to the very beginning of the stumpwm program. This differs from RESTART, which restarts the unix process.

Since the process isn’t restarted, existing customizations remain after the restart.

Command: lastmsg

Display the last message. If the previous command was lastmsg, then continue cycling back through the message history.

Command: commands

List all available commands.

Command: keyboard-quit

This way you can exit from command mode. Also aliased as abort.

Command: quit

Quit StumpWM.

Command: reload

Reload StumpWM using asdf.

Command: echo-date

Display the date and time.

Command: eval-line cmd

Evaluate the s-expression and display the result(s).

Command: command-mode

Command mode allows you to type StumpWM commands without needing the <C-t> prefix. Keys not bound in StumpWM will still get sent to the current window. To exit command mode, type <C-g>.

Command: list-window-properties

List all the properties of the current window and their values, like xprop.

Command: show-window-properties

Shows the properties of the current window. These properties can be used for matching windows with run-or-raise or window placement rules.

Command: time &rest args


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