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11.2 Internal Functions Documentation

Variable: *executing-stumpwm-command*

True when executing external commands.

Variable: *suppress-abort-messages*

Suppress abort message when non-nil.

Command: refresh-time-zone

Refresh the time zone information from the system.

If you change the system time zone while StumpWM is running you can run this command to make StumpWM notice the change.

Command: getsel

Echo the X selection.

Command: putsel string

Stuff the string string into the x selection.

Command: copy-unhandled-error

When an unhandled error occurs, StumpWM restarts and attempts to continue. Unhandled errors should be reported to the mailing list so they can be fixed. Use this command to copy the unhandled error and backtrace to the X11 selection so you can paste in your email when submitting the bug report.

Function: define-stumpwm-command &rest args


Command: set-contrib-dir

Deprecated, use ‘add-to-load-path’ instead

This document was generated on February 2, 2024 using texi2html 1.82.