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7.1 Mode-line Interaction

Mode line formatters can register sections of text to be clickable by use of the color formatters :on-click and :on-click-end. Any text enclosed by these formatters has its bounds saved, and when the mode line recieves a button press event these bounds are checked against to find a clickable area, whose registered function is then called. These formatters can be thought of as similar to XML tags.

To disable the on-click behavior, remove the function check-for-ml-press from the hook *mode-line-click-hook*.

To call a function by click the function must first be registered. The function must take at least one argument, the button code. Here is an example of a click-to-focus function and its registration:

(defun ml-on-click-focus-window (code id &rest rest)
  (declare (ignore code rest))
  (when-let ((window (window-by-id id)))
    (focus-all window)))

(register-ml-on-click-id :ml-on-click-focus-window #'ml-on-click-focus-window)

This defines a function that focuses a window based upon its X11 window ID, and registers it under the ID :ml-on-click-focus-window. Here is an example of a mode line formatter that makes use of this function:

(add-screen-mode-line-formatter #\i 'fmt-head-window-list-clickable)
(defun fmt-head-window-list-clickable (ml)
  "Using *window-format*, return a 1 line list of the windows,
space seperated and clickable."
  (flet ((fmt-w (w)
           (let ((str (format-expand *window-formatters*
             (format-with-on-click-id (if (eq w (current-window))
                                          (fmt-highlight str)
                                      (window-id w)))))
    (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}"
            (mapcar #'fmt-w
                    (sort1 (head-windows (mode-line-current-group ml)
                                         (mode-line-head ml))
                           #'< :key #'window-number)))))

In the above formatter, every windows expansion is wrapped in a :on-click/end pair, which takes the ID we registered as the function to call and the window ID as an argument to be passed to its function. The arguments provided to :on-click will be read but not evaluated. The string generated will look like so:

"^(:on-click :ml-on-click-focus-window 308242)window text^(:on-click-end)"

Clickable text can be nested, in which case the innermost clickable text will take precendent. In the following example :id2 will be dispatched when clicking 2, but :id1 will be dispatched when clicking 1 and 3:

"^(:on-click :id1)1^(:on-click :id2)2^(:on-click-end)3^(:on-click-end)"

If one wished for right click to delete windows, then the following example could be placed in the .stumpwmrc:

(labels ((ml-on-click-focus-or-delete-window (code id &rest rest)
           (declare (ignore rest))
           (when-let ((window (window-by-id id)))
             (let ((button (decode-button-code code)))
               (case button
                  (focus-all window))
                  (delete-window window)))))))
  (register-ml-on-click-id :ml-on-click-focus-window

This will replace the :ml-on-click-focus-window function, and all uses of :on-click formatters referring to :ml-on-click-focus-window will use the new function.

Function: register-ml-on-click-id id fn

Register FN with ID, to be used by the :on-click mode line color formatter.

Function: format-with-on-click-id string id &rest arguments

Wrap STRING in :on-click and :on-click-end color formatters, using ID as the id to call when clicked and ARGUMENTS as the arguments to pass to the ID’s function. STRING may not contain the :> color formatter, but may contain any other color formatters.

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