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6.2 Frame Dumping

The configuration of frames and groups can be saved and restored using the following commands.

Command: dump-desktop-to-file file

Dumps the frames of all groups of all screens to the named file

Command: dump-group-to-file file

Dumps the frames of the current group of the current screen to the named file.

Command: dump-screen-to-file file

Dumps the frames of all groups of the current screen to the named file

Command: restore-from-file file

Restores screen, groups, or frames from named file, depending on file’s contents. Defaults to the XDG_DATA_HOME location with .dump file types.

Command: place-existing-windows

Re-arrange existing windows according to placement rules.

Command: place-current-window

Re-arrange current window according to placement rules.

The configuration files are stored in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/stumpwm. The file name specified is saved as a .dump file type. For example, : dump-desktop-to-file example may save a file in ~/.local/share/stumpwm/example.dump. restore-from-file also adds the .dump extension by default.

This document was generated on January 28, 2024 using texi2html 1.82.