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4. Message and Input Bar

Command: echo string

Display string in the message bar.

Command: colon &optional initial-input

Read a command from the user. initial-text is optional. When supplied, the text will appear in the prompt.

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4.1 Customizing The Bar

The bar’s appearance and behavior can be modified with the following functions and variables.

Function: set-fg-color color

Set the foreground color for the message bar and input bar. color can be any color recognized by X.

Function: set-bg-color color

Set the background color for the message bar and input bar. color can be any color recognized by X.

Function: set-border-color color

Set the border color for the message bar and input bar. color can be any color recognized by X.

Function: set-msg-border-width width

Set the border width for the message bar and input bar.

Function: set-font font

Set the font for the message bar and input bar.

Variable: *message-window-padding*

The number of pixels that pad the text in the message window.

Variable: *message-window-gravity*

This variable controls where the message window appears. The follow are valid values.

Variable: *timeout-wait*

Specifies, in seconds, how long a message will appear for. This must be an integer.

Variable: *input-window-gravity*

This variable controls where the input window appears. The follow are valid values.


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4.2 Using The Input Bar

The following is a list of keybindings for the Input Bar. Users of Emacs will recognize them.


Delete the character before point (delete-backward-char).


Kill back to the beginning of the previous word (backward-kill-word).


Delete the character after point (delete-forward-char).


Kill forward to the end of the next word (forward-kill-word).


Move forward one character (forward-char).


Move forward one word (forward-word).


Move backward one character (backward-char).


Move backward one word (backward-word).


Move to the beginning of the current line (move-beginning-of-line).


Move to the end of the current line (move-end-of-line).


Kill to the end of the line (kill-line).


Kill to the beginning of the line (kill-to-beginning), the same as C-a C-k.


Move to the next earlier entry saved in the command history (history-back).


Move to the next later entry saved in the command history (history-forward).


Submit the entered command (submit).


Abort the current action by closing the Input Bar (abort).


Paste text from clipboard into the Input Bar (yank-selection).


Clockwise tab complete the current string, if possible. Press TAB again to cycle through completions.


Counter-clockwise tab complete the current string, if possible. Press S-TAB again to cycle through completions.

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4.3 Programming The Message Bar

Function: echo-string screen msg

Display string in the message bar on screen. You almost always want to use message.

Function: message fmt &rest args

run FMT and ARGS through ‘format’ and echo the result to the current screen.

Variable: *input-history-ignore-duplicates*

Do not add a command to the input history if it’s already the first in the list.

Command: copy-last-message

Copy the last message displayed into the X selection

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4.4 Programming the Input Bar

New input behavior can be added to the input bar by creating editing functions and binding them to keys in the *input-map* using define-key, just like other key bindings.

An input function takes 2 arguments: the input structure and the key pressed.

Function: read-one-line screen prompt &key (initial-input ) require-match

Read a line of input through stumpwm and return it. returns nil if the user aborted.

Function: read-one-char screen

Read a single character from the user.

Function: completing-read screen prompt completions &key (initial-input ) require-match

Read a line of input through stumpwm and return it with TAB completion. completions can be a list, an fbound symbol, or a function. if its an fbound symbol or a function then that function is passed the substring to complete on and is expected to return a list of matches. If require-match argument is non-nil then the input must match with an element of the completions.

Function: input-insert-string input string

Insert string into the input at the current position. input must be of type input-line. Input functions are passed this structure as their first argument.

Function: input-insert-char input char

Insert char into the input at the current position. input must be of type input-line. Input functions are passed this structure as their first argument.

Variable: *input-map*

This is the keymap containing all input editing key bindings.

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This document was generated by David Bjergaard on November 1, 2014 using texi2html 1.82.